Foundation Archive

Light Effects

The last instalment of the "Mastering Color" course. In this chapter, you'll take a closer look at light and shadow, and how that changes depending on both light and the surrounding objects and atmosphere.

Color Harmony

Part 7 is about bringing everything from the previous sessions and unifying them so they produce color harmony. Although it's subtle, color harmony is used to complete the bigger picture, so colors won't look out of place once you're done. …

Manipulating Color

The next step to mastering color is to learn how to manipulate it in order to get the effect you want. Part 6 shows how to adjust the components of color, and how to balance them out together so they …

Mixing Color

Part 5 of the "Mastering Color" series answers one of the biggest questions in Art: Which colors should I mix, use, and buy? You'll learn and experiment with different color charts, and apply knowledge gained in the previous lesson about …


It's time to paint! For this part 4 lesson, you'll learn why value is more important than hue or chroma, as value determines an object's form. You'll also learn how to break down objects into 5 or 9 basic values …

Describing Color

In part 3 of the "Mastering Color" course, instructor Richard shows you how to analyze and measure colors in a much more objective and standardized way, which will make it easier when trying to mix the right colors.

Seeing Color

Realistic colors seem deceptively simple, yet are actually quite tricky to paint. In part 2 of the "Mastering Color" course, you'll learn how to see colors for what they really are without being tricked by common optical illusions.